CV/Portfolio Website - Now LIVE!

A big project, that has been in motion for some time now, has finally gotten to a "completed" status. Please take a moment visit my new CV/Portfolio website at!

Although regular updates will be beneficial and necessary to compensate for new work and experiences, you can now view my professional CV website for more information about me, my work history, experience, skills, and contact information. Additionally, visit the Gallery to view my GIS and photography portfolios! Below is a narrated video for a tour of the page and closer look at a few of my projects:

In my GIS portfolio, you can see many different mapping projects I have worked on for school and at my internships. I have kept items that may have imperfections, because those mistakes were learning experiences that have helped me do better. This live portfolio is also mobile friendly, which may have been the most tedious part of this project. The mobile version is made to be a bit simpler, but also contains relevant information.

Although it is now "complete," this will always be a work-in-progress!
Thanks for following, more coming soon!
