Albers, Symbols, and Data - Oh my!

This week's module was intense! 

First, we started with Data Collection. We set up domains, transferred a layer from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online, and went out to collect GPS information about Public Safety items. I chose to do the Lifeguard Station towers along Clearwater Beach. I got lucky, too, because it has been pretty cold and windy here in Florida as of late, but I had a chilly yet pleasant evening for the walk. My GPS accuracy was good at between 9-10FT, and the application worked well on the beach. The time of day was challenging, as the signs were all reflecting back at me when I attempted to collect images. I used special settings and angles to successfully capture them, but it was an interesting and unexpected challenge. Three images are seen on the top left.

I have mostly used Map Packages at my internships, and this lab gave us a chance to experiment with other options. Google Earth seems to have changed quite a bit since I used it last, and it took me a moment to get used to it. I thought it would be more difficult to get used to the lack of attributes on the KML files, but the details within the domain and the collector's notes do well to make up for it.

I created the map below using ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online:

But, that's not all...

For the second portion of the lab, we went over projections. This was a bit of a review for me, because at my current internship I assisted with 'Cities' shapefiles submitted by county governments, that needed to be projected for use after their arrival. This was no waste of time though, because it is a completely different experience to learn about the details of projections after facing them hands-on. I remember when I took my first GIS course and I had points taken off on two maps because I struggled with the projections. I would desperately skim through all the options, not understanding where to start. Now, I recognize the choices and tools we are using and continue to build confidence.

Once again, I spent entirely too much time on specific elements in the lab. There seems to be room for improvement with my speed and time management, because I worked way too long this lab to have it in shortly before the deadline.
UPDATE: I found a mistake, too, and now it looks late! 😩

The main culprit was the map comparing different projections of Florida, seen below:

Most of the changes I made were cosmetic, such as the Unique Values hues and the size and visibility of the text. I tried to keep everything uniform and simple since the data may be complicated for some to follow. It is one thing to put the differently projected 'Floridas' next to each other, but it is another when flipping from tab/screen to each one like a flip book. But, this table certainly helps to understand - noting the huge variance in results in Miami-Dade County - and there is a noticeable visual change. 

Making maps is something I thoroughly enjoy, this lab was a good challenge that I feel strengthened both my skills and understanding of Data Collecting and Projections.
