First assignment for Spring 2020!

The GIS Laboratory course for Spring 2020 at the University of West Florida is off and running, and below is my first map of the semester!

It is a crude world map showing worldwide cities and population density. It was a great project for familiarizing to the ArgoApps (our long-distance interface) and setting up habits for the rest of the semester.

One challenge I faced with this assignment was the size of the Cities symbols. Being so used to alternate software, it took a little search and find to edit the symbols to a reasonable size.

I used the National Geographic map as a basemap, although the imagery basemap is usually my favorite, because I found it to look more interesting. Although, looking at the "finished" JPEG more closely, I should have chosen a different color ramp for the population symbology to make it stand out better.

Most of my real-life experience has been with ArcMap Desktop 10.7.1, making this learning experience with ArcGIS Pro 2.4.2 extremely valuable.
