I'm a Cartographer! Soon.

Pictured below is the most recent map created for my GIS course at the University of West Florida.

Much of the time, I use my desk at work to do homework during down time (or off the clock). Luckily, I have a job that does not mind when I work on homework (as long as everything else is done). During the second lab assignment, the project I was working on grabbed a little attention. It is funny, because to some this map may look a bit simple. I can understand, because before I learned GIS and what it took to create a map like this, I could not help but think... what is complicated about creating a map like this? Many of my colleagues have had the same reaction, looking at my map and wondering what exactly I had to do to create it. One look at the software drew gasps of surprise.

This lab assignment is testing some of what I already know - in other words it is a good refresher. I had to Geoprocess some common data, change the Symbology with consideration to color "norms", and we went over the essential elements to add to any finished - polished? - map. We are using ArcGIS Pro, which I am less familiar with than ArcGIS Desktop 10, and it is fantastic practice.

Two things I noticed:
    1) Shift-arrows allow for subtle movement of elements on Layout without snapping to grid. 
    2) Every time I review what I believe is a finished map, there is one more thing I want to fix. 

Next week's Lab = GPS and ArcGIS Collector!
