And on to Computer Cartography at UWF!

Introducing the next course in my GIS Trek, Computer Cartography at UWF for Spring 2020! 

Please allow me to re-introduce myself: I am Emily, and this blog follows my assignments, projects, and discussions as I complete GIS courses at the University of West Florida. 

This is my second semester here at UWF, where I am working towards a GIS Certificate as entry into the GIS Administration Master's program. So far, it has been an interesting challenge. Juggling a full time job, part time internship, and part time college schedule takes some serious time management, focus, and luck.

My professional interests are in GIS analytics, public outreach and education, environmental conservation, and project management. I believe this program will develop my skills and introduce me to new concepts and ideas. Additionally, I have a keen interest in GIS related to Florida's hydrology, especially in regards to freshwater ecosystems.

This time, I also have a great Story Map to share ==> Emily's Story Map
Looking forward to learning more about Computer Cartography!
