Finally the Final Finale of GIS4043 Lab for Spring 2020!

This final project was a real chance to show what we know, and how to apply it to a real life project. A project from 2009, the Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line in Manatee County also crosses into Sarasota County. Near communities and sensitive lands, we used several analytical tools and methods in ArcGIS Pro to narrow down any existing conflicts. The study area is seen in the map above.

Visit my story map here: Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line by Emily J. McDaniel
Read the commentary here: Slide by Slide Transcript 

Potential factors were proximity of schools, daycare centers, homes, private land, and environmentally sensitive lands such as conservation areas and wetlands. Using tools such as clip, intersect, select by location, create a feature, buffer, calculate geometry, and more - I was able to build a story map of the different factors and how the transmission line would affect them.

This was a lot of firsts for me, and some good review. I continued to struggle with the georeferencing, which was a major issue because there were several images that needed to be repositioned. I eventually made a map using the parcels, and highlighted trouble areas, although it was a rough rendition of the information meant to be presented (map below). Luckily, I had much better luck with the other steps.

Figuring out the acres of sensitive land affected was challenging, but very interesting. It turns out that a lot of acres were selected, but only a low percentage were actually impacted - as seen in the maps below. I had to clip the conservation land and select by location to get the proper acres, which is not shown in this map.

Luckily, no schools or daycare centers were intersecting the corridor. For this step, I used county data and state data to ensure I had included all the schools and daycare centers in the region, seen below:

My personal favorite step of this assignment was measuring the transmission line, using the centerline, to estimate the cost. My results came to 24.5 feet, which (according to some light research and the references provided) turned out to be around $13.5 million dollars.

Although this assignment was extremely time consuming and presented a host of challenges, I am happy to be getting experience with these types of projects. The time we are given for this extent of work is a bit intense, something like this at my internship would usually provide much longer than two weeks to accomplish. It makes me wonder how much more I have to learn... up, the Computer Cartography course at UWF!
