Cartography & Design - the Art of Mapping!

This was truly an enjoyable assignment!

For this week's assignment at UWF, we learned the details of designing a map with proper color, contrast, and balance. This brought back a lot of memories from my art program at Academy of Art University, a school I previously attended, that included concept and design courses related to photography. This was surprisingly similar!

We were given a lot of data, and directed to design a map representing the public schools of Ward 7 in the Washington D.C. region. The data needed to be arranged carefully, and symbolized correctly, in order to make any sense - simply due to the amount of information being packed into it. We used a text of Gestalt Principles, containing an explanation of principles that can improve a map's appearance AND ability to convey the correct information.

Here is my result:

It can definitely be challenging to properly pay attention to detail when designing maps. One small change can lead to more bigger changes. Little overlaps can get missed. Something can be too small or too big and it suddenly becomes noticeable. I felt so happy with my map when I finished it, and yet I look again and see plenty of things to improve upon.

Art is never finished, and so is true when designing maps!
