Google Earth - Spring Final Lab

The best was saved for last apparently, because this was a fun lab. 

For this lab, we built a KMZ map and tour of Southern Florida in Google Earth Pro with 3D imagery, a dot density population density map, and a classified surface water layer. We started in ArcGIS Pro, and exported the layers as KML layers to use in Google Earth Pro, using the appropriate tool. 

This assignment was not exactly difficult, but it did take some time and patience. Although I have used Google Earth multiple times now, it still seems a little difficult to navigate and I find myself stumbling around. Practice makes perfect, and this was excellent practice.

Our final objective was to build and share a KMZ deliverable, complete with a map and tour of South Florida's major cities. Above is the captured image of the map in Google Earth Pro.

A few challenges were stacking the layers properly (using the properties and 'altitude'), placing the JPEG image of a pre-made Legend, and using the mouse to navigate/explore the many different perspectives Google Earth offers. I had never used the 'Record' feature in Google Earth Pro before, and I think it will be extremely useful in the future.

This assignment wraps up the Spring 2020 semester, and the Computer Cartography course at the University of Florida. Come back soon for the Summer 2020 semester!
