Fall 2020 - Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing!

We have dove right into the first Lab assignment, starting with three exercises designed to give us some practice with the basics. I have some hands-on experience with imagery QA/QC, so the lab was easier to follow than some of the lecture materials this week.

This course so far is a bit scattered, I feel like there is information flying at me from many different directions and I am still attempting to make sense of it all. It is good, though, because I have spent a lot of time performing photo interpretation tasks in a robotic way, and this has begun to help me achieve a deeper understanding.

Using images from USGS, first was to identify and mark areas of Tone and Texture based on their brightness, contrast, and how fine or coarse in appearance the region of the image is. 

Next, we looked closer at the shape, size, shadow, pattern, and/or association to help identify features:

Last, we compared "true" coloring of an image representing real-life colors and tones versus an infrared image. Our first module in Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing has had a strong start, and I am looking forward to what is next. Happy Fall 2020!
