Spatial Enhancement and Multi-spectral Analysis!

This assignment was enjoyable, and gave us an opportunity to become more familiar with the ERDAS Imagine software. Although quirky, I have already gotten comfortable navigating it. The Metadata loads very slow for the larger raster files, and it can be difficult to tell if processes are running. It helped to have patience, and I found myself doing a lot of the "click and wait" routine. 

To start, we did exercises to acquire the imagery data sets, examine the histogram, and applied basic filters to adjust the image. Features were emphasized (or vice versa) based on the contrast and sharpness of edges, which would drastically change what elements were drawing attention. 

Once we had a solid understanding of these processes, we put them to work to find three features in the image using the histogram, and enhancing them by adjusting the color bands. I found hydrological features that were dark blue/black and stood out by contrasting against desaturated red hues. It was dark and large on the histogram based on it's spike and orientation. For the second, we found a feature that was bright to the point of almost blown out, which drew me quickly to the ice and snow on the high elevations. And last, I found water areas that stood out among the larger hydrological features. 
