Module 1, Scenario 2: Suitable Land for Development

For the first assignment, we are given a handful of scenarios to model suitability. Starting with reclassified Boolean rasters, we eventually compiled five completed rasters to show areas that are least suitable verses most suitable for developing land using the Weighted Overlay tool.

For the first scenario the weighted 'importance' was balanced among all five rasters to equal 100, which was 20% each. In the second scenario, the importance was divided individually to give slope the most 'weight' out of the five rasters:

It appears that cells with the value of '1' are not present in the results, otherwise the alternate scenario appears to provide more areas of land "most suited" for development. A mistake I noticed after nearing completion of this section of our assignment was a small yet important one. I had placed the 'rivers' layer over the 'roads' layer, which may seem like no big deal until zooming in on an important area and noticing the river runs over the road. Glad I noticed before it was too late to make the quick adjustment! 

Another post coming very soon for this Module 1 assignment!
